Autumn Vibes … and Perimenopause
The energies of autumn: release, grounding, the Queen archetype and the earth element.
Cyclic, Seasonal Living: Mapping the Cycles
An overview of nature’s sacred cycles: the menstrual cycle; the lunar cycle; the solar cycle of the seasons and the Wheel of the Year; and the life cycle stages of the Goddess archetypes.
Be held by Her cycles
Reflections on how we embody nature’s cycles, and a simple yet profound breath practice to connect to the seasons.
When it all feels too much
Thoughts on staying present and grounded, even when our emotions feel overwhelming.
You need to be held too…
Reflections on how we highly sensitive empaths hold space for others + sharing some loving words which came to me, as if being whispered by the Great Mother Herself.
Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?
An overview of the traits, challenges and strengths of the highly sensitive person.
Your Magical Child
Be guided to feel the presence of your magical inner child within your soul.
Finding Hope in Difficult Times
Thoughts on how nature’s presence and wisdom can help us when times are difficult.
Don’t be defeated: rebel and rise
Some thoughts, in the hope of empowering you in these current times.
Prayer to the Mother of the Elements
A prayer to Goddess, the Great Mother of the elements – soothing words for when you’re in need of comfort.
Blood, Rage and Fire: On entering perimenopause
Thoughts and observations on the early stages of perimenopause.
Dark Moon Medicine
Find out all about the Dark Moon and Her medicine: Her gift of stillness and being in the void.
Thoughts on these challenging and changing times
In this post, I’m offering you my thoughts, for what they’re worth, on trying to find balance during these changing and challenging times.
ALL vibes are welcome here
All parts of you are welcome here: why I don’t subscribe to the ‘good vibes only’ sentiment.
Are you a Selenophile too?
…. Are you a Moon Lover: that’s what I’m asking! A Selenophile or Philoselene is someone who loves the Moon. I do. I love to observe the beautiful waxing and waning of the light of the moon through each lunar cycle. I find Moon-gazing connects me to a sense of life’s mystery…
Stress and the highly sensitive person (HSP)
Introducing the Stress Relief for Sensitives Tool Kit.
Dear Fellow Sensitive Soul: You are NOT alone
Some words offered as comfort if you’re feeling highly sensitive and alone.
4 kEY features of high sensitivity
If you’re part of the 15-20% of the entire population who’s highly sensitive, then you need to know about, understand and embrace these four essential features of being a highly sensitive person (HSP).