Best Books on Menopause
Here are some of the best books I’ve read over the last few years on perimenopause and menopause.
Is This an Antidote to Exhaustion?
Thoughts on living wholeheartedly as an antidote to exhaustion.
On Becoming Caterpillar Soup
AKA Being in the void, a dark night of the soul, or not knowing wtf is going on during perimenopause.
Patriarchy Wants You Numb
Feel your feelings as an act of resistance, because patriarchy wants you numb.
Divine Feminine Archetypes & Perimenopause
The embodied spiritual presence of the Divine Feminine in our lives and through midlife/perimenopause.
Emerging with the Snowdrops
Reflections on Imbolc and emerging from an inner winter. This is an example of my fortnightly SOUL NOTES.
Sacred Feminine Archetypes
An introduction to five sacred feminine archetypes: the Maiden, Lover, Mother, Queen and Crone.
3 Reasons to Honour Your Cyclic Nature
Spend time paying attention to the cyclic nature of life and be repaid a thousand-fold and more in the riches of renewed self-trust, clarity of vision and the ability to live in alignment with the truth of who you are.
How To Celebrate Winter Solstice
All about the Winter Solstice and some ideas to honour its gifts of stillness and soul time.
Midlife, Anger & Grief
Reflections on the heightened emotions of anger and grief we may feel during midlife & perimenopause.
What Are ‘Soul’ & ‘Spirit’?
Reflections on the nature of Soul and Spirit and why I believe we are expressions of life living itself.
The Perimenopause Soul Awakening
Thoughts on perimenopause being a midlife awakening to the truth of your soul.
Perimenopause: The Soul Forge
Introducing my concept of perimenopause as being a ‘soul forge’.
Perimenopause - An Overview
An overview of the the basics of what’s going on during perimenopause (aka the menopause transition) from a physiological perspective.
Can You Surrender to Winter’s Call at Samhain?
Exploring the energies of Samhain and early winter.
Cover Reveal!
I am so excited to share with you the cover of my new book, Cycles of Belonging: Honouring ourselves through the sacred cycles of life.
Perimenopause as a Sacred Rite of Passage
Thoughts on approaching the perimenopause midlife transition as a sacred rite of passage for your soul.
Be Held By Her & Guided By Your Soul
In this video I guide you through a short but powerful practice to settle into the loving presence of Mother Earth so you can listen for the wise whispers of your soul.