A Simple Way to Feel Better

This article first appeared on Simple Soulful Words
- my weekly letter for your soul sharing words of comfort, strength & spiritual support for the messy emotional realities of life. It’s adapted from my book I Am With You.

Pansy flower

The truth is, even during my darkest times, I realise now that I was never alone.

There was always something available to me to offer comfort and solace and companionship. I just needed to remember to look up and see it. And you can, too.

I’m not asking you to avoid or downplay your very real feelings and challenges. I’m inviting you to broaden your perspective, even if just a little, so you may feel how there is more in your life than the difficulties you’re currently experiencing.

So, can you notice something now that helps you to feel that you are not alone, here in this moment?

Maybe it’s the presence of good people nearby or in your life, a photograph of a loved one, the presence or mental image of a pet, or even a favourite flower or tree.

Perhaps it’s a sense of being part of a community – of people with similar interests, views or life experience. Whether you know them personally or not, can you sense this community is out there in the wider world and that you are a part of it?

Can you let yourself feel held by the rich tapestry of life? How would it be to soften into the knowledge that all beings on this planet are connected? We all breathe the same air. We are all walking on and nurtured by the same earth beneath us. We are all touched by the same sunlight that streams down from the sky.

And can you sense my presence? I am speaking to you now, across time, through the words on this page.

Dear one, I am with you. You are not alone.

I wrote the following poem after experiencing a visceral realisation that I am part of nature and nature is always with me.

It helped me to feel seen and held on a day I felt quite down. I share it with you now so that you too might feel lifted by noticing the loving presence of the living spirit of the world that is all around you.

The Company I Keep

Sinking into loneliness,

Heavy grief

Weighing down

My heart,

I notice

Through the window

The flowers watching me.

And I am lifted

By the remembrance

Of the living spirit

Of the world around me.

And as I gaze

At the flowers and leaves

The clouds and trees

I feel welcomed

Back into the arms

Of the loving family

Who were there with me

All along. 

Does this resonate with you? Do share your thoughts by leaving a comment below or dropping me a line if you feel called to…

Until next time, wishing you the blessings of tender & fierce self-compassion & may you feel the loving company of nature around you today and always,
Stella x

This piece is adapted from my book I Am With You which is out on Friday 19th May 2023 in print and for eReaders, worldwide.

You can download a free sample here (PDF) - no email required.

I Am With You book cover

Stella Tomlinson

Hi, I’m Stella Tomlinson (she/her) and I’m an author and poet sharing reflections on midlife and menopause as a psycho-spiritual rite of passage.

Click HERE to join me for ‘The Midlife Spirit’: my letters sharing words to nurture your soul through the challenging yet liberating journey that is midlife and menopause.


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