The Perimenopause Soul Awakening

Thoughts on perimenopause being a midlife awakening to the truth of your soul.

Female figure seated in meditatiion gazing at a swirling orange light in a night sky

Now, I believe that our soul is always whispering to us but that the over-stimulating demands of daily life and our cultural conditioning conspire to stop us from trusting this innate source of wisdom – often even preventing us from hearing it in the first place.

And I believe that during our 40s and the perimenopause transition our soul starts calling to us louder and louder to reclaim our true self and shed the layers of conditioning that shroud our truth, power and wisdom.

This period of your life offers a profound awakening – to who you really are; to what’s important to you; to where your boundaries are; and to what you’re here to share with the world.

You wake up to what doesn’t serve you.

You wake up to see that you’re no longer willing to tolerate being taken for granted or manipulated by those around you – by family, friends, your workplace, cultural norms.

You wake up and see through the conditioning that’s sought to silence you and keep you small and scared.

This midlife awakening is an opportunity to deepen your relationship with yourself – to develop a profound unshakeable self-compassion and trust – to get spiritually prepared to walk through the gateway of menopause into the next phase of your life.

But the intense nature of this experience can be challenging.

Especially as it’s not recognized as an initiatory experience by society – and indeed it’s highly likely not to be recognized as such by your family and friends.

It asks that you sit with intense emotions.

With profound questions.

It asks that you enter the Soul Forge and allow yourself to die and be reborn.

Phew. That’s powerful!

Stella Tomlinson

Hi, I’m Stella Tomlinson (she/her) and I’m an author and poet sharing reflections on midlife and menopause as a psycho-spiritual rite of passage.

Click HERE to join me for ‘The Midlife Spirit’: my letters sharing words to nurture your soul through the challenging yet liberating journey that is midlife and menopause.


What Are ‘Soul’ & ‘Spirit’?


Perimenopause: The Soul Forge