On Becoming Caterpillar Soup

AKA Being in the void, a dark night of the soul, or not knowing wtf is going on during perimenopause.

Caterpillar on a plant stem

I am in the ‘caterpillar soup’ of perimenopause.

And have been for a couple of years now

One way it’s manifesting for me is not quite knowing who I am any more.

Have you felt that too?

On one level, I’m clearer than ever on my values, certain boundaries, and confidence in my identity as a writer.

And yet…

There’s also a sense of shifting sands beneath me, a sense of my old self dissolving, of change … without knowing wtf is coming next.

It’s like the caterpillar of my pre-perimenopausal self has turned to mush and I’m in that in-betweeny broken down soupy stage with no idea when I’ll be ready to emerge, post-menopause, as the butterfly of my new self.

I'm the caterpillar soup.

I’m in the soul forge of midlife.

I'm in the fertile void.

All seems dark.

The call to surrender

The leaves of the masks I used to wear lie dead and decaying ...

But there are seeds of what's to come next scattered all around, waiting to come to life in their own good time.

And, after a while of struggling with this, I'm moving into a curious but rather delightful sense of equanimity about it.

To use the terminology of author and menopause mentor Kate Codrington in her wonderful book Second Spring, perhaps I’m moving from the separation phase of perimenopause into the stage of surrender.

I'm sharing this with you because I sense that this is a natural feeling that arises in midlife - especially if we can consciously engage with the peri/menopause as a sacred rite of passage, which is my intention and daily practice.

Honouring the call to change

Have you experienced this too? A sense of the sands of your life shifting, and not quite being able to feel the ground any more?

I believe this is because we ARE changing.

We are NOT who we once were and - more importantly - we are not meant to be.

Midlife is a rite of passage that asks us to leave behind our old self in order to make space for the new self that is forming - ready to emerge with its own divine timing.

We are in a chrysalis, turning into mush! It's difficult. It hurts. But I think it hurts more to try and resist it.

Two chrysalises and a butterfly

So I am honouring this call to reflect and be open to what is calling to be healed within me and what is dying so I can be reborn.

I am honouring my need for mental space and soul space.

I'm walking daily, I'm sitting in stillness, I’m opening to inner visions and the whispers of my soul & I'm writing.

Soul Reflections

If you’re with me in feeling like this, then I invite you to sit with these questions if they call to you:

  • What do YOU need to honour within yourself at this point in your life?

  • And, what small step can you take towards honouring that?

I'll leave you with a new (as yet) unpublished poem that speaks to this midlife discombobulation.

I hope it speaks to your soul!

I Don’t Know

I don’t know who I am any more.

My body is changing,

My face is ageing,

My steps feel uncertain.

I don’t know who I am any more.

All the old identities

And labels I’d worked for

Are falling away.

I don’t know who I am any more.

My inner world

Is spinning

And I can’t make it stop.

I don’t know who I am any more.

The leaves on the tree

That was once in full bloom

Are changing colour, getting ready to drop.

Yet, perhaps this not knowing

Is a gift

In disguise.

A clue

From the other side.

Maybe this not knowing

Is a chance

To stop

Breathe, and pause.

What if this not knowing

Is an invitation

To become

Who I was always meant to be?

So yes, I don’t know who I am any more.

What a delicious


To decide

To be me.

Stella Tomlinson

Hi, I’m Stella Tomlinson (she/her) and I’m an author and poet sharing reflections on midlife and menopause as a psycho-spiritual rite of passage.

Click HERE to join me for ‘The Midlife Spirit’: my letters sharing words to nurture your soul through the challenging yet liberating journey that is midlife and menopause.


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