You need to be held too…
~ Reflections on how we highly sensitive empaths hold space for others
+ sharing some loving words which came to me, as if being whispered by the Great Mother Herself ~
As highly sensitive empaths we are very good at holding space for others.
Perhaps you find that people with a story to tell seem to seek you out…
Friends and family use you as a shoulder to cry on…
Maybe you feel drawn to helping others…
Perhaps you’re called to play your part in healing the collective…
There’s nothing wrong with any of this of course! Empathy is one of the strengths of our sensitivity.
But don’t forget my love, that your sensitive nature means you can often take on and feel the energies and emotions of others.
And this, combined with the fact that you likely experience your own emotions intensely too, can lead to energetic overload. And you’ll benefit from ways to discharge this energy.
So, how can you mother yourself and care for your sensitive body, mind and soul?
Some of the ways I do this include:
Beginning each morning with gentle movement and guided meditation to connect to my body and soul.
Getting out for a daily walk, often to my little sacred grove of trees. A quiet spot nearby with Alders and Oaks, Rowan and Birch, where I go to just stand and be. To look and listen. To be held by Mother Earth and to ground myself in Her love.
Looking back on the day and saying to myself “today I did x,y,z. I am satisfied with that, and that is enough!”
But I do often need reminding that I don’t have to try to be superwoman. I don’t have to save the entire world!
And neither do you.
So I thought you might like to receive these words – they came to me in meditation, as if from the Divine Mother herself.
They were words I needed to hear, and perhaps they’re words you need to hear too.
Let the Earth Mother whisper to you now:
“You too need to be held, my love.
To be seen. To be heard.
To be mothered.
I will hold you.
I will see you and I will hear you.
I know your magic and your power.
So come home to Me, the Mother Divine.
I am in your heart. My arms are open and waiting for you…
To hold you.
To welcome you home.”
Take a breath now … and receive these words into your body and soul.
And remember dear one.
You hold space for others – but you need to be held too.
May you feel the presence of the Divine Mother, holding you in Her love.
With love & peaceful blessings,
Stella x
Next Step: get the free Mother Earth is Holding You meditation
Mother yourself by inviting the Great Mother to hold you in all your complexity and humanity with my Mother Earth is Holding You meditation
You can get this by registering to receive my free Soul Notes – around the time of the waning and full moons.
They’re love notes written from my soul to yours about living life as an empath and sensitive.
I’ll tell you a story of how it is to live a soul-led, creative life, honouring your body and life’s sacred cycles, in connection with Mother Earth.
When you sign-up to Soul Notes you’ll also receive access to the Mother Earth is Holding You meditation – an 11-minute soothing guided meditation designed to give you a short pause in your day to connect the feeling of being held by Mother Earth so you can relax and just be…