Be held by Her cycles
The cycles of inhale and exhale; spring, summer, autumn and winter; rebirth, growth, fullness, release and death are always with us, always working through us.
This is the energy of the Sacred Feminine, of the Great Mother, holding us in Her dance of life.
I believe this knowledge and yearning to connect to the cycles and seasons of nature is in our bones, and in the wisdom of our blood.
It’s something from which so many of us have become disconnected in modern life – but to which more and more of us are feeling called to reconnect so we can reclaim the fullness of ourselves, the Sacred Feminine and the ability to participate wholeheartedly in the many and rich layers of this embodied and magical life.
Do you feel it too?
That yearning to come home to the felt-sense that you are part of nature and that all of life is connected and held in an invisible web of being that is awe-inspiring and magical to behold?
For living in rhythm with life’s sacred cycles brings healing and wholeness. It reconnects you to the presence and grace held in the moment, and to the ever-unfolding flow of life.
It brings peace and authenticity to nourish your heart and soul.
Breathe with Nature
The simplest way to connect to the ebb and flow of these sacred cycles is through your breath.
Take a moment to experience this now.
Notice the natural, quiet pause at the end of each out-breath…
Can you sense it as being like the wintertime of the breath?
Then as the breath comes in it’s like the spring of the breath … and it builds up to the fullness of summer…
… and then there’s a turning and falling away as the breath turns to go out, like the leaves falling off the trees in autumn…
… and then there you are again in the wintertime of the exhalation where all is still and all is quiet… Ready to receive a new spring…
…and the cycle begins again…
Let each breath bring you into a profound connection to the nature of life.
Breathe in through spring and summer, breathe out through autumn and winter.
Remind yourself that life ebbs and flows – that you ebb and flow. Your emotional states and energy levels are not meant to be static.
And ground yourself in the cyclic nature of life, honouring how you embody nature and the seasons.
Can you surrender to the cyclic intelligence of your body and soul?
May you feel the presence of the Great Mother, holding you in Her love.
With love & peaceful blessings,
Stella x
Discover the ‘Be Held by Her Sacred Seasons’ Resources
Explore the seasons and the eight festivals known as the Wheel of the Year through meditation, ritual, ceremony and journaling.