ALL vibes are welcome here


“Positives vibes only!”

“Let’s raise our vibration!”

“Choose positivity!”

My heart sinks when I see such ‘positive thinking’ sentiments scattered around social media.

And, to be honest, it can send me off on a bit of a rant.

Look, I get it.

In these uncertain times and this age of anxiety – and especially at the moment with such fear and confusion and grief arising from the Coronavirus pandemic – spreading positivity seems like a helpful thing to do.

It’s well-meaning. It comes from the heart. It doesn’t intend harm. (And if it truly helps you, then go for it.)

Exclusion zone

But what if you read one of these memes and you’re feeling depressed? Terrified? Confused? Numb?

Does that mean you’re not welcome in that person’s life?

Does that mean your emotions and feelings aren’t valid?

That you should be smiling instead?

That you should reject the very human ability to feel a range of emotions, intensely?

No, please don’t.


Welcome all parts of you

These emotions and feelings are NOT negative. They’re part of being human.

Now is not the time to be shamed into positive thinking (hint: there’s never a good time for that).

Now is not the time to pretend you feel fine if you really, really don’t.

Now is not the time to reject the parts of you which feel scared and alone and don’t know where to turn for comfort.

Because these parts of you probably feel very young and have been feeling lost and lonely for many years.

They need you to turn to them and say “I see you. I accept you. I love you”.

It’s time to offer whatever you are feeling compassion and acceptance.

It’s time to be with whatever your family, friends, acquaintances and strangers are feeling and stand with them in kindness and compassion.

It’s time, with courage and wisdom, to acknowledge the very real suffering that millions – billions – on this planet are experiencing (including you) and find the kindness and compassion which resides in that amazing, mysterious human heart of yours to be with it all.

It’s not easy.

And maybe you just can’t do that at the moment if you’re in a difficult place.

That’s OK too. I hold you in my heart.

And, for the record, all your vibes are welcome here.

Stella Tomlinson

Hi, I’m Stella Tomlinson (she/her) and I’m an author and poet sharing reflections on midlife and menopause as a psycho-spiritual rite of passage.

Click HERE to join me for ‘The Midlife Spirit’: my letters sharing words to nurture your soul through the challenging yet liberating journey that is midlife and menopause.


Thoughts on these challenging and changing times


Are you a Selenophile too?